Bought A New Farm To Plant Crops? 4 Types Of Planting Equipment You Will Need
If you purchased a new farm and you plan to plant crops, purchasing the right planting equipment will make things much easier and quicker for you. One type of equipment you will need is planting equipment. This is when a tractor tows a planter behind it. The planter then plants the seeds in neat rows throughout the field. Below is information about four types of planters so you can decide what you need to purchase.
1. Wheat Planter
A wheat planter can plant wheat along with a variety of cereal seeds. For example, you can plant larger seeds, such as lentil, chickpea, oat, barley, corn, rye, and pea. The wheat planter can also plant small seeds, such as spinach, tomato, carrot, onion, clover, canola, and kochia.
In the past, it was difficult for what planters to plant small seeds evenly but with the new modern wheat planters, this is no problem. The planter also plants small seeds deep enough into the ground so that they will not be disturbed by rain, wind, etc.
2. Pneumatic Planter Drills
Pneumatic planter drills work well if you the tractors you use on your farm are low power. This type of equipment can plant seeds in even rows no matter what type of working condition. You can use pneumatic planter drills to use different forms of seeding, such as laying the seeds in rows and plowing the land for direct seeding.
3. Broadcast Planter
Broadcast planters are less expensive when compared to other types. They are also very versatile as you can purchase broadcast planters that you carry and broadcast planters that you tow behind a tractor. In most cases, this planter is used to plant grass seed. This is useful if you have an area of your farm that is underdeveloped and you would like to fill it in with grass.
4. Air Planter
Air planters are often used to plant small seeds and work best when planting round shaped seeds. You can also use air planters to distribute fertilizer over the land. You can mix fertilizer and seed together to plant and distribute fertilizer at the same time. You do have to consider that in most cases air planters are much larger when compared to other types.
Air planters can cover large areas, and it is easy to hook up to your tractor, which will save you a lot of time.
Contact a company that sells planting equipment, and they can go over this information with you in much more detail.