2 Basic Things To Consider When Picking Out A New Tractor To Buy For Your Small Farm
If you have recently purchased some property where you want to have a small farm, one vital piece of equipment that you will need is a tractor. However, with so many different types of models available, you may be having difficulty narrowing down your choices.
While there are many options that can help with comfort while using the tractor, such as over-padded seats, cup holders, and air suspension, you should start with the basics. Below are a couple of things you should consider when picking out a new tractor to buy for your small farm.
1. Look Carefully at the Terrain Where You Will Use the Tractor on Your Property
One thing that you should consider when choosing a new tractor for your small farm is the overall terrain of the property. Look carefully at the land, and make note of any hills or rough areas.
If the land is fairly flat with a smooth surface, you can probably purchase a tractor with a two-wheel-drive gear ratio because it will not need to do any steep climbing. However, if there are hills or areas that are rocky or become muddy when it rains, a four-wheel-drive model would suit your needs better to keep from straining the motor.
2. Think about the Different Jobs You Want to Be Able to Do with the Tractor
Another thing that you should consider before purchasing a new tractor is the type of jobs you want to be able to do with it. This will determine not only the gear ratio of the wheels but also the size of the motor and the sturdiness of the frame.
For example, if you are only going to be plowing a small, flat field with little to no rocks, a smaller frame and motor may serve your needs. However, if you suspect that you will need to pull a bush hog or use the tractor to remove large rocks, a larger frame and motor will be needed.
Before choosing a new tractor for your small farm, you should first carefully consider where and how it will be used. Fully examine the terrain to help with the selection of the tires and gear ratio, and think about what types of attachments you will need for the various jobs you want to complete. Once you have this information, contact a company like Paige Tractors Inc and that can give you more information.